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3 Surprising Consequences of Not Cleaning Lint from the Dryer

appliance repair Las Vegas

The clothes dryer has a slide-out trap that catches lint when the clothes are spun and dried. The lint collects in a layer on the screen of the trap. If the layer of lint is not removed, this could cause a problem with the dryer or with your health and safety. If your dryer's lint trap develops a problem, it is a good idea to schedule an appliance repair in Las Vegas.

Breathing Problems

If the lint is allowed to accumulate on the screen of the lint trap, it could get so thick that it becomes airborne. Each time you open up the dryer to load or unload it, those airborne particles could get into your lungs. The physical lint and the chemicals from the dryer sheets or fabric softener could cause you to have breathing problems.

Decreased Appliance Lifespan

Allowing the lint to build up in the slide-out trap could decrease the lifespan of the clothes dryer. The dryer could overheat, causing the heating element to burn out. The lint could also work its way into the dryer's motor or electrical components, causing them to stop working before they typically would. With a clogged lint trap, the dryer may have to run for a longer amount of time in order to get the clothes dry.

Increased Fire Risk

Lint can ignite. When lint is built up in thick layers, any sort of a spark could ignite it. If the dryer's ventilation hose runs up the side of the house or is made out of flimsy materials, it could melt and lead to a house fire. Nearby stacks of clothing, bottles of cleaning products and other materials could also provide fuel to a dryer fire. The lint should be cleaned daily, and the vent hose should be professionally cleaned once per year.

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