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Signs Your Oven Needs Professional Repairs

Older appliances will eventually develop issues, but typically these issues are just minor and annoying. Other times the problems cannot wait and require professional help immediately. Repairing is almost always more affordable than buying a new unit, and often these issues can be fixed in minimal time. Here are three times where you shouldn't wait to get a professional in the home.

Consistently Undercooked or Burnt Food

This has nothing to do with cooking ability, but the oven itself. For example, if you cook chicken at the same temperature and time consistently, then it should turn out about the same each time. Sometimes ovens have problems and will either undercook or burn food even though your settings shouldn't allow for this.

In the case of undercooked food, you likely have a broken fan or heating element. Burnt food is typically due to problems with the thermostat, which may become a safety hazard down the road.

Burner Problems or Smelling Gas

Burner problems affect both gas and electric stoves. If you're noticing that one or multiple burners are refusing to turn on or have less power than usual, then it's time to get appliance repair in Henderson. Many people just use the other burners if only one has gone out, but this problem can get worse and should be looked at soon.

Smelling gas is a huge issue that only affects gas ovens. If you smell any gas, then turn off any heat immediately and call a professional right away. This means that an abundance of gas is coming from the unit and could ignite.

Electrical Issues

This one should be obvious, but most people get a new unit instead of seeking repairs. Electrical problems include anything from the power going completely out, or if the power flickers on and off repeatedly. This will make the oven either unusable or very difficult to use.

Getting repairs is much cheaper than buying a new unit, and often it will work just fine once the electrical problems have been rectified. Not only that, but usually this can be done in the same day, so you won't miss out on much cooking.

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